Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 1

CW:  107.3
CP:  OxyElite
CD: AnaBootCamp

Today is my first day of the ABC diet which I think is going to be a bitch overall but I am hoping to adhere as close as possible.  I did really well today with a total intake of 295cal.

1 can diet 7-up = 0cal
1 small red potato = 100cal
1 tbsp margarine = 50cal
1 sm salad of baby greens & tomato = 35cal
2 tbsp of dorothy lynch dressing = 110cal

I did not go to the gym though which needs to start immediately.  I have just been so exhausted and it has been freezing here which makes it difficult to find motivation.  I have family in town right now and I almost panicked when they suggested a steak dinner but I took back control and decided I can decide what I am going to eat and not eat and I am not going to worry about judgement.  My uncle asked if I have lost weight, I almost jumped for joy that someone noticed haha silly but its the small things in life.  I am feeling confident for tomorrow and maintaining my restriction.

On the love end I am currently casually dating two boys.  One of which I am enthralled with but was rejected from.  However I refuse to give up hope.  I have been thinking that maybe I would stand a better shot if I move out, like now since both of us live with our parents.  What are your thoughts, think I should move out now or wait and save money and remember this boy is not going to spend more time with me he will just have a different excuse not to??  Also, I am looking for progress blogs of shorter girls.  If you check out my stats youll see I am a mere five feet and I have a feeling my UGW will be going lower since I have no idea how much I need to way for my body to look a certain way.  So if you have a blog and are petite comment so I can follow you!

Daily Thinspo:

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