Friday, February 17, 2012

Not Sure

CW: 104.2 WTF??
CP:  Hoodia
CD:  ABC Diet

Yesterday I stayed with in my 400 calories but I woke up this morning and the scale hasnt budged still.  I mean what the fuck??  Not even an ounce??  Am I doing something wrong here?? Blah, well yesterday's intake was:

Lean Pocket pepperoni pizza-  280cal
4 Pickle spears-  20cal
Mini crisps- 100cal

Today I get a whopping 100 cal and its going to be hard to stay in it since the scale hasnt dropped at all this week.  But I am going to put my bullshit aside.  I know I need to start working out but for some reason I have decided to pick up a second job.  Not sure why I thought this would be a good idea aside from the fact that its money, it keeps me away from boozing, and I could move out quicker with out my mom's help.  I'll be working roughly 60 hours a week between my full time and then part time hosting job.  What are your thoughts?  Think its worth it to pick up a second job or will I regret it?  An old friend is getting me the job so I dont want to change my mind an make her look bad.  I just thought it would help get my mind off how depressed I am but then I was thinking I will be so exhausted and have no time to do anything that I will become more depressed.  See I am even over thinking this. AHHHHH! HELP!

Daily Thinspo


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